Monday, October 03, 2005

Something fishy is going on here...

I've realized how ridiculous I can be in regards to my walk with the Lord. In my conversations with people, I continually hold back. I refrain from mentioning the saving power of Jesus Christ to the friends that aren't believers -- or even from inviting them out to a bible study at my house.
One would believe I have something to lose by letting down my guard and being straight forward. In fact, if lived recklessly for Christ, I would in fact lose alot. Pride. Self-image. Credibility. Maybe even a few friends. But scripture give me no reason to fear.
Matthew 19: 29 says "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first."
So why the reluctance to truly live? It's a trust issue. As far as my senses are concerned, the weird look my neighbor gives me is far more real than the intangible, unseen will of my King.

How do I tare down this wall of fear and self-centeredness? It starts with the small things. Maybe I need to leave the continual comfort of my Christian friends and jump into the world feet first, ready for the painful, the frustrating, and the loss. Fellowship is not bad by any means, but there comes a point and time where I need to question where I spend my time, and right now it’s not with the lost and sick, but only with the found and healthy.


At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, I'm thinking the gist of your post was lost on anon. :o)

{{Hugs}} Mom

p.s. you are the most beautiful witness for Christ that I know.


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