Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Another Step Forward

This semester seems to be the semester in which I am launched into the 21st century.

Not only have I begun to regularly use a dishwasher (which admittedly is more convienent than washing by hand), I bought a cell phone (which is admittedly more convienent than a land line).
To top it all off, I bought a laptop! My mooching days are just about over. No longer will I have to ask Sam or Josh if I can use their computer to type six page essays or to do french homework.
Ironically, the very thing that is supposed to be furthering my studies is actually detracting from them. The newness of the computer has yet to wear off, and I'm still fiddiling around with all these new options and back grounds. Oh well.

Is a car in my future? I hope I leave the country for an extended period of time before that happens. Till then, I owe many friends much gas money.


At 2:14 PM, Blogger MW Rice said...

Dan=has laptop
Michael=has no laptop

This does NOT add up

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Dan Reiter said...

Yeah, this is a strange phenomenon. Of course, I'm one of the reasons why you lack a laptop. Let me know if you ever need to "surf the web" as they say.


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