Monday, August 08, 2005

The First Day of Travel

The following posts recount the days spent with Justin on his wedding weekend. I broke it down into three sections so that reading it would be slightly more bareable.

We began the road trip from Dallas to Destin at 4am Thursday morning. Jacob, the best man, and Justin, the groom, were the only ones allowed to drive the Civic. We picked up Jamie, another groomsman from Shreveport around 8am.

Much sleeping took place on my part, for better or for worse. One critical thing to know about my car naps is that my eyes are always half open, and my mouth is a gaping abyss. Jacob’s mom made some phenomenal brownies, and Jacob at one point decides to put one of these brownies in my mouth, which he quickly withdraws. After seeing I didn’t stir, he tag teams with Jamie, who is sitting next to me. Jamie then wedges the brownie in my mouth. I am now passed out with a brownie sticking out of my face. All three guys lose control of themselves when I proceed to eat the brownie in my sleep! Jamie and Justin said they almost peed their pants. I truly wished they had.

The next thing I know, I have the strangest sensation in my mouth. Is this…chocolate? I open my eyes and the first thing I see is Jacob turned facing me with a look of shock and wonder. He points to my shorts and I see the rest of the brownie resting in my lap. I could only respond by acknowledging how awesome they were to pull a stunt like that in my sleep.

While we were in Mississippi, we had somewhat of an accident. I was peacefully reading Desert Solitare by Edward Abbey, when I realized that I was flying in the air and my head cracked the ceiling. We had a blow out and ran against a concrete divide, which launched the car in the air. Jacob was driving, and Justin coolly told him to pull over to the right side of the road. We fully expected the car to be totaled, undrivable. Justin even told his dad such. But upon further examination, we found not a single scratch on the car. Only the front left tire and rim were damaged.
Excuse me while I step on a soap box: I don’t mind if people don’t pull over to help a stranded motorist, but pull over to the far lane for crying out loud! I don’t even want to think about how many cars almost knocked us down without a second thought.

We then went to the nearest Wal-Mart to get a new tire. This lasted for three hours. We watched a movie, read books, listened to music, ate dinner, and invented stupid games to entertain ourselves. To add insult to injury, after three hours of waiting, Justin attempted to make small talk with the mechanic.
Justin: Busy day today?
Mechanic: No, not really.

Need I say more? At least he gave us a joke for our time.
How do you know if someone is not from Mississippi? They marry someone with a different last name.

We arrived in Destin at 9pm, and Justin was given some drug or another that caused him to pass out fairly quickly. He and Jacob shared a bed, and while Jacob was talking to Trent, another groomsman, Justin grabbed Jacobs arm and kissed it twice. We determined that Justin was definitely ready to get married.


At 11:23 PM, Blogger MW Rice said...

not too much time to write, since I'm under the influence of sleep depravation, but this is by far your finest blog yet. Very entertaining and great writing my friend!
More later,


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