Monday, July 25, 2005

Post a secret and hide in the garden

One of the most intriguing blogs I have seen is one in which people anonymously send in their deepest, darkest secret (or just plain stupid, i.e: "I like the smell of my farts"). While contemplating if I had any secrets worth sending, I wondered why I would want to share something with a faceless crowd when my closet friends and family remain ignorant. The answer: I could "confess" this secret while being faceless myself.

Not to say that all secrets are sins or are deplorable, but the sheer weight of some thoughts may just thrust one deeper into the sands of silence. Anyways, this subject seems to be connected to
events of ancient times, more specifically, the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden. So often, like Adam and Eve, we think we must cover ourselves and hide. Confess our sins or darkest thoughts? That might bring punishment. Let someone know our true longings and fears? But then we could be hurt. It's a risk, but we are lying to ourselves (or are being lied to) if we think the risk is not worth taking. If one pays attention to the Bible, it will become clear that we are designed for community, to live among others who truly know us. James tells us to "confess our sins to one another." This is something we should all strive to do, no matter how difficult.


At 11:58 PM, Blogger MW Rice said...

Tremendous post. Great thoughts and biblical info I was NOT aware of. Post Secrets has become an essential sunday afternoon (the irony should be noted). I walk away feeling dirty and voyueristic, connected to a world that no longer connects. That and really really ridiculously good looking. :) Check email man!


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