Monday, May 23, 2005

It Was All Padme's Fault

My brothers and I had a bonding moment this past Saturday when we watched Star Wars Episode III. We were half-expecting every ticket to be sold out till midnight when we arrived at 6:30, but surprisingly we obtained tickets for a 7:45 showing, and the theatre had empty seats!

Although the movie wasn't atrocious, it wasn't all the great either, with the exception of some hard core light saber fights. If there was ever a doubt in regards to the supremacy of Yoda, after Episode III it has been effectively decapitated (watch the movie and you'll know what I mean). Brent, my 17yr old bro, made the astute observation that women bring men to the dark side of the force. If Anakin hadn't felt the need to save his dearly beloved, he wouldn't have gone to the dark side to attain the supposed power over death. I'm speculating that this is the same reasoning Adam used in Eden when blaming Eve for the fall of humankind, so Brent's argument is completely sound and Biblical.



At 3:12 AM, Blogger Jordan_Ryan_Stewart said...

I've actually been reading this for a couple of weeks. Believe it or not I checked on it once every week with the sneaking suspicion that it would eventually come back to life. I'm glad to see that it has. Feel free to read and comment on mine anytime I'm hoping to update it more than I have.

Later man,

- Jordan

At 10:59 AM, Blogger MW Rice said...

Dan! NEVER doubt yoda! shame on you.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Dan Reiter said...

Hey Jordan, glad to hear you kept the faith, or something like it, and that I'm not writing to an empty audience. Have a good summer man.


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