Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Hello Old Friend

Hey Everyone,

It's been a very long time since I've left a legitimate post on this blog. A lot has happened between now and then, and I don't think I could legitametly blog on it all and expect everyone to read it, so I must be selective (unfortunately).

My good friend Justin Tucker got back from India this past Monday, but to our dismay, he did not land in Austin, but Dallas. We (6 of us) had planned on welcoming him back from "Fat Camp" at the baggage claim, but that failed to happen, obviously. I wanted to mention that so you would understand what was going on when you walked into your apartment, Justin.

I'm home for the first time this semester, and I thoroughly enjoyed sleeping on my big double bed, and taking a shower in a clean bathroom, as opposed to a sink full of hair (I still don't know how that happens, I'm thinking one of by suitemates cuts his own hair). It's also good to catch up with the family and some old friends. One of these friends, Kurt, actually took me storm chasing last night. It wasn't very dangerous, the heavy rain storm was short lived, but the lightning was definately cool. I told him to call me when he chases his next tornado.

I've also had some very weird dreams recently. I'll start with the second, because it was more vague. The jist is, Sam (my roommate) and I were horseplaying, like always, and everyone was getting really angry at us because we would not stop for anything. They all deserted us, which is sad, but don't worry, it gets better. Some super bad guys came in and tried to take over the school (Texas State, of course). Because of our horseplay, Sam and I became hardcore wrestlers and had the ability to give lethal punches, so we made short work of the bad guys and saved our school and our friendships. I've entitled the first one Rugby Ball of Death and I plan on making it a minseries here on Doubling Talents, to give you, my readers something to come back to, and to give me motivation to consistently write.

Till next time...
Dan Reiter

The American Jesus is Mr. Nice Guy, he would never do anything to offend anyone. But not the real Jesus. He's a man, a warrior, and he's not afraid to get in people's faces.
Pastor David Walker, Alamo City Christian Fellowship, when preaching on Jesus driving out the people selling goods in the Temple. (These aren't his exact words, just a rough approximation)


At 3:55 AM, Blogger Sean Raybuck said...

you're the man. can't wait for the mini-series.

I really enjoy your posts. You've great insight, and i like the way you look at things.

keep postin' baby.. and check out my journal. i've finally updated.



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