Saturday, November 06, 2004

Sorry, but you won't be "Saved" from this rant.

Well, here is a true rant. Brace yourself. I watched the movie Saved just now. I'll admit, it had its funny moments, but overall it is an extremely offensive movie. I don't understand how Christians can be entertained by such a movie. It goes against everything we believe. People throughout the movie justify their actions b/c Jesus "told them to," and say something is right because "God wouldn't give us these feelings if they were wrong." And "why would God make us so different if we are all supposed to be the same."

First of all, feelings are very shakey. Looking at decisions made in the past that seemed wrong, people may use the excuse "I did it in the heat of the moment." That is also why we have the faculty of reason, to help us determine what is right.

As far as the different/same thing, we can all be different people, but still have the same morals. I can see this when hanging out with my four closest friends. We are very different, some very extroverted, others more reserved. One is a great speaker, another a talented musician. We all call Christ our Lord and Savior and want to live a life of holiness as outlined in the Bible, but still, we are each our own person.

I realize that Christians are hypocritcal, and it's fine for that to be in a movie, but what about the Christians who seriously practice their faith and love others without passing judgement? This movie is not very even-handed; the "Christians" in this movie are potrayed as narrow-minded and unloving. This movie only gives bitter non-Christians more amunition to sling at us.

Why do Christians laugh at these movies that potray us so negatively? We don't have to laugh at every joke that the world laughs at. We can be serious in some things -- like our faith and our Lord. We don't have to laugh at Dogma, or Family Guy, or Saved. It's so frustrating that we laugh when these things will insult the truth of the Bible. The Bible, God, Christ, is our life, why do we join in when people insult these things?

Till next time...
Dan Reiter


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