Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Kids...don't try this at home

I woke up this morning after a good eight hours of sleep. But that freaken alarm clock -- it drives me nuts! So I thought I could turn it off with a remote. Reaching over to my desk, I scrounge around for something without getting up. I air-soft gun. Not even fully aware of what I'm doing, I wave the gun around and proceed to shoot my alarm clock, the bb ricocheting across the room. Then I fell back asleep. The buzzer then decided to drive Sam crazy.

I didn't realize how absurd the situation was until about an hour later. I think I need to stop watching 24.

Further news...I drove Josh's BMW because he had parked Sam in and left the house. By the way, it's a standard. I have driven a standard 3 times in my life. I stalled out 3 times today. Hmmm...