Thursday, December 07, 2006

Is it worth it?

So my blogging has been intermittent lately, partly because of my busy schedule, but also because I question the value of blogging. It often appears an escape from actually engaging people. Instead of having interesting discussions face to face, we have written dialogues, faceless to faceless.
Of course, this isn't necessarily true. It seems by and large blogs are read by friends, or friends of friends, and some identity is there. Also, many friends may be separated by long distances, and thus blogging is the best way to keep in touch (and regardless of my attitudes to personal blogging, I love to read my friends').
Ultimately, I've decided that blogging is worth it. Why? Because I've been busy all this semester, and my time with friends is precious. The little time I have with them I want to spend learning about what is going on in their lives: relationships starting or ending, classes good or bad, new hobbies, etc.
Not everyone wants to talk about weightier issues, and sometimes it is hard to discern who those people are, and sometimes I waste my breath talking about spiritual things, or philosophical things.
Blogs can be an awkward confessional thing (my girlfriend just broke up with me, my pet Squibbles kicked the bucket, I ate the best chocolate fudge of my life, etc), but these blogs can be a great place to enter into the intellectual dialogue, which is what I want to do.
And most won't notice me. That doesn't matter. Maybe keeping this thing going will give me practice for the future, when I will have a larger audience. Maybe it'll help me better articulate my ideas, and maybe this will find those people who want to talk about weightier issues.
So you probably won't learn alot about me or the events of my life through this, but you will learn what I think about a lot things.

Talking about the inerrancy of scripture seems to be missing the point of scripture.
And facebook is really shallow.
More on those later. Okay, maybe just the first one.


At 3:42 AM, Blogger MW Rice said...

I'd like to hear more about the fudge! :)

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Dan Reiter said...

you'll have to ask me in person :)

At 1:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is a way for me to learn about you in an uninterrupted space. I like it. This is the stuff I want to know about you... not the fudge, although fudge is not without its high points.


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